24 Hr Hotline - (816) 834-9161

What We Do

The Mission of Corey’s Network, Inc. is to provide immediate support, advocacy and services to surviving victims of homicide in the Kansas City metropolitan precincts without advocates.

Financial Support

We provide help with financing of funerals by accessing funds through grants, donations, and fundraisers, and connection to Crime Victims Compensation.

Survivor Resources

Our staff provides guidance on speaking with police and the media, as well as information regarding medical and other social services.

Comfort and Counseling

Our services can be immediate like connecting with candle vigils and providing meals for grieving families as well as long term support. Our phones are answered 24 hours a day.

Volunteer Opportunities

Individuals can get involved by volunteering to help with events. Local businesses can partner with Corey’s Network to provide sponsorships.

  • Connections to Counseling    •   Connections to Social Services •   Referrals to Crime Victims Compensation •   Education about the investigative process    •   Help navigating the Media    •   Help with funding the funeral through fundraising and other sources

    Real Solutions for Real Problems
  • Homicide affects everyone in a community, even businesses! Corey's Network, Inc. strives to involve businesses in helping surviving victims. During our Fall fundraiser, close to 100 businesses donated goods, services, or manpower to help raise funds!

    Find Your Inner Power by Helping Others
  • Accept help when you need it. When people say, "If there's anything I can do..." keep in mind, they really mean it!! They may not know what you need, but they really want to help. So let them!! You will both be better for the experience.

    Accept help when you need it
  • The Kansas City Metropolitan Area needs your help immediately. Our families are suffering from a record-breaking number of homicides. Consider donating now.

    Make your contribution now