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Changes are Coming

I truly believe that when there is a tragedy, you may not be able to control what happened, but you can control how you react.

Some will stand back and watch… hoping that someone else will take care of everything. Later these people will wonder if there was something they could have done to change things. Because of this, they will be stuck in that moment for the rest of their life.

There are others that will face a tragedy with anger. The anger is first internalized, and made into self hatred. Then it’s turned outward enveloping everyone they come in contact with. Soon, they’ve allowed the tragedy to take everything they’ve ever loved.

Another group of people are those that allow the pain of tragedy to seep into every area of their life. Every nook, every cranny… is filled with despair. They cannot move, because they have no energy… they’ve given it all to the pain.

Then there are those of us that realize that the pain and anger can fuel a fire within us. One that motivates us to create change within our community.

When I taught, I remember my students having heated debates. They would discuss social injustice in a way they’d never been allowed to before. And at the end of each of these heated debates, I would end it by saying, “Change only comes from those that are uncomfortable.”

Change only comes from those that are uncomfortable.

I am really uncomfortable.

Tomorrow starts my first full semester Fundraising class.

Watch out world…

There’s gonna be some changes around here.

Gwen Carver

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