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I saw the envelope as I opened the mailbox, and my heart skipped a beat… It always does.

The pattern of interlocking purple and green ribbons meant nothing to me only a year ago. Now I can recognize the logo for the Midwest Transplant Network from one hundred yards…

It is the symbol of my son’s immortality.

So far:
I’ve heard from the recipient of his kidney and pancreas: Her name is Jan. He cured her diabetes.

I’ve heard from the recipient of his liver: it failed, but not until it lengthened Leda’s life just long enough to receive another liver… she’s doing well now.

I’ve heard from his heart recipient: A lovely woman named Kim. She is now going to live her dream and work with at-risk girls.

And tonight, I heard from Heather. She’s 23 and lives in Texas. After living her entire life with cystic fibrosis, she has finally taken her first real breath of fresh air… she received Corey’s lungs.

Her family made the difficult decision to take her off life support just hours before Corey donated his lungs… they were going to do it the next morning and take steps to keep her comfortable.

My son has been murdered. But he continues to cure disease, extend lives, work with at risk girls, and save lives.

To the person that stole his life: You won the battle, but you WILL NOT WIN THE WAR!!

He’s done more in death than you will EVER do in life!!

Gwen Carver

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