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I am here.

I see you. I read your posts as you move on with your lives. You were and are still Corey’s friends.

When he died, you ran to my side. You took me in… each in your own way… by phone call, email, instant message, card, or in person.

You’ve attended his funeral, fundraisers, graduation, and other events. When you can’t make it to one, you are sure to make it to the next.

You call me even now. Just to check on me from time to time. From out of state or just around the corner. Sometimes you use kind words to comfort me, other times you use colorful words to express your own pain from losing him.

Though I may have never met you while he was alive, we are forever bonded now… by tragedy.

I follow your lives as you move on… as you get married, have children, go to college, and get promotions.

As you struggle, hurt, go through a breakup, go into rehab, drop out of school, or lose a child of your own.

And I pray.

I don’t talk much, I don’t always respond, but I always pray… and I am here for you.

I know you aren’t my child. But you cared for my son enough to care for me. That means the world to me.

Thank you. If you need me, I am here.

Gwen Carver

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