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How Do We Stop This?

We are on a short vacation to tour colleges for my youngest son. I have been trying to avoid the news as much as possible, so I can focus on the task and experience at hand.

But then a story breaks through my little bubble… another terrorist attack!

How do we stop this?
All this death and destruction!

Someone needs to focus their efforts on finding the answer to this question! How do we stop the murders before they happen?

I believe that we started down this horrific path when we quit teaching our kids “Thou shall not kill (because it’s wrong)” and started teaching “Don’t kill because you might get busted!”

Lord in heaven, I pray that we return to the belief that you are looking down on us and watching what we do! Because along with that comes the belief that when when die, we will stand before you for judgment.

And I’m not talking about just Christians! All beliefs agree on this topic! Whether you believe in God, Christ, Mohammed, or Allah… you have rules you must follow. And the biggest one is “No killing allowed”.

I pray for France this early morning… may the attacks on their country end and their healing begin.

Gwen Carver

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