On Being Strong
Published by Shelley Cartwright Metje · August 20 ·
People often ask me how I can stay so strong.
Truth is, I’m not strong.
I’m weak. It’s my purpose that is strong.
When I’m tired, I answer our hotline. When I’m in pain, I wrap my arms around someone beginning the journey… the same journey I’ve been on for 6 years. When I don’t want to get out of bed, I schedule an early meeting.
When I don’t want to talk to anyone, I schedule a speech, facilitate a group or run a board meeting.
When I don’t want to eat. I cook dinner.
It’s not about being strong. It’s about managing how my weakness manifests.
Today is a really hard day for me. Lots of stress and I’m not particularly patient today.
But today is my anniversary. I should be happy and excited that I’ve been with the love of my life for 16 years. And I am!
However, I’m also thinking of the night before we had our first date…
I went on a date the night before. For reasons out of my control, I had to bring the three boys.
The boys picked up very quickly this man was not for me.
At some point in the evening, Corey said something crazy… so I pointed at him. All of a sudden, Corey said (at the top of his lungs), “No, mom, please don’t give me the finger! “
Everyone turned to look at us.
He then proceeded to tell my date that when I point my finger directly at a person, they get put in a closet for a week. And that this was the reason he was so short.
Of course, a 4 year old J piped in “You don’t believe him?? I’m really 21!”
I never heard from him again… As a matter of fact, he made me pay his bill!
No loss though. The next day I met Bob. And to the question of where I get my strength? Bob. Without him on my side, none of my days would have meaning
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