Parole 3/28/2019
Published by Shelley Cartwright Metje · March 28 · The last two days have been exhausting. We received word yesterday morning that John Dakota Seger
Published by Shelley Cartwright Metje · March 28 · The last two days have been exhausting. We received word yesterday morning that John Dakota Seger
Michelle (Shelley) Metje 5/4/14 I have a weed that’s been growing on the north side of my home since I moved in… it’s rather hardy
Good evening friends, supporters, and followers. Tonight I am going to give you details about my son’s murder and murderer that I’ve never shared here
There were policemen running through my home. Looking in doors, peeking in rooms, going through Corey’s personal items… “looking for clues” as to what happened
I heard of “Cody” about 10 months before Corey was attacked. That was the name John Dakota Seger gave Corey and his wife. I was
John Dakota Seger has pled guilty of VOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER and retracted his statement that my son attacked him and it was self defense!! I have
I’m going to just put it out there… I’m nervous. I’m angry. I’m worried. I’m sad. I’m furious. I’m confused… Friday, Corey’s killer gets to
When I was a girl, I had the great opportunity of having a step-dad that taught me how to do almost everything he knew. He
June 27 at 12:54 PM · I know I haven’t written in a while. I’m trying to keep quiet during the judicial process. However, one
On July 26, 2013, at 10:00pm, I went to bed in Bob’s arms. All was right in the world. I was safe. Then, at 2:00am,