24 Hr Hotline - (816) 834-9161

Grief Counseling Resources

If you or your family have unfortunately been affected by a homicide, it’s crucial to reach out to a grief counselor. This step is vital in the journey toward healing.

Many places in the Metro KC area offer grief counseling for free or at a reduced rate. Crime Victim’s Compensation and other programs can be used to offset the expense of a counselor. Don’t allow cost to keep you from getting the help you need.

For CVC information:

  • Click HERE to access information about the CVC in Missouri and to submit your application.
  • Click HERE to access information about the CVC in Kansas and to submit your application.

Circle of Hope – Offers a wide spectrum of mental and behavioral health services designed to help children and adolescents cope with feelings of grief, sadness, anger, and anxiety after something as traumatic as losing a parent &/or sibling to homicide. For more information call 816-974-4123 or go to the website at HOME | Circle of Hope (circleofhopemo.org)

Cornerstones of Care – Offers outpatient grief counseling for adults and children. For information or assistance call them at: 816-508-3500 or submit a request for counseling by clicking HERE.

Combat STRiVIN Hub Program – A STRiVIN Hub will provide grief counseling for adults and children. Hubs are located at various locations throughout Jackson County. Please get in touch with the hub in your area to get grief counseling. For more information click HERE

Poetry for Personal Power – has proven that education, advocacy, peer support, and the arts are revolutionary tools that can help peers to make sustainable changes in behavioral health care. Our evidence-based programs work towards helping people to rebuild themselves and when people are built up, we can build healthy, recovery-oriented communities. For more information call (800) 394-9104 or see them on the web at Poetry for Personal Power | Arts | Health Advocacy | United States

Rediscover – Is a nonprofit community mental health center that provides comprehensive programs and services for adults and children

  • Mental Health 24/7 Line: 888- 279-8188
  • Mental Health (Children’s Services): 816-966-0900
  • Urgent Care (Adults Only): 816-988-2739. Urgent Care for Adults is at 7001 Blue Ridge Blvd. The hours are 7 days a week from 9 a.m.-9.p.m. Walk-ins are accepted until 7:30 p.m.
  • For more info go to https://www.rediscovermh.org

Samuel U. Rodgers – Their objective is to deliver healthcare of exceptional quality, filled with compassion, and accessible to everyone. They offer grief counseling services to individuals of all ages, families, and various groups. Click HERE for more information or call: 816-474-4920.

Solace House – A Community Center for Grief and Healing, designed to be a nurturing place to guide children and adults through the difficult time following a death, whether sudden and unexpected or anticipated. Solace House offers peer grief support groups, individual, couples, and family grief support, referrals for crisis counseling and other mental health issues, and collaboration with schools and organizations seeking support.

Swope Health – Provides primary health care and behavioral health services throughout Greater Kansas City. For more information please go to Swope Health Info or call:(816) 923-5800

University Health (UH) Behavioral Health offers psychotherapy to help you develop coping strategies and build stronger life skills in a safe and supportive environment. For more information click HERE or call: 816-404-5709